As the world becomes digitally transformed and staff become more mobile, the challenge of tracking, maintaining and coordinating critical data and staff effort across multiple departments and platforms becomes increasingly difficult. DOLIUM uses next generation business modeling intelligence to tame the chaos, document your business to safeguard intellectual property (IP) and enhance enterprise effectiveness and deliver superior outcomes.Organisations powered by DOLIUM optimise their management processes, reduce costs, increase productivity and enhance customer satisfaction to gain a competitive advantage. DOLIUM connects and secures critical data points and assets to drive efficiency, especially in a world of constant change.DOLIUM is every employee’s super coach when it comes to performing tasks and everyday critical functions. Empower your employees to be fully autonomous in the pursuit of business operational excellence.For executives, DOLIUM functions as an invisible hand, providing transparency to decisions and insights into the impacts of market or regulatory changes when necessary.

Data Controls

Using DOLIUM as a data control measure, data pollution is reduced so that you can be better informed in decision making.

Functional Mapping

DOLIUM provides line management and staff the means to conduct work in an authorised way and provides the gateway to supporting systems.

Master the task …. not the IT system.

DOLIUM provides access to the sources of truth for policy, practices and systems. It helps to navigate the myriad of knowledge repositories, systems and tools.

DOLIUM enables ongoing business optimisation and innovation by empowering staff to actively contribute to process change and continuous improvement.

Activity Modelling

The DOLIUM models assist executives to manage and understand their activity streams to identify and analyse how various stakeholders obtain value when delivering against organisational outcomes.

Executives can identify who they rely upon and who relies upon them to understand whether they are doing the right thing at the right time and with the right resources, the key to competitive advantage.

Enhanced Oversight, For Consistent Outcomes

DOLIUM allows for the systematic codification of quality controls to secure high quality outcomes, with tools to recognise, view and manage anomalies. It also allows for the precise and intelligent assignment of resources, reducing waste and securing success.

Enhanced Operation, For Efficiency and Sustainability

DOLIUM empowers organisations to be more efficient and autonomous, reducing reliance on external consultants and improving onboarding of talent. This results in improved sustainability of technology solutions and reduced impact from workforce churn.

Enhanced Coordination, For Continuity Through Change

DOLIUM provides superior business continuity and resilience during change and disruption, allowing your organisation to remain agile and adapt as needed. Through quality data and functional mapping, your organisation knows what, where and how to respond.


As the world becomes digitally transformed and staff become more mobile, the challenge of tracking, maintaining and coordinating critical data and staff effort across multiple departments and platforms becomes increasingly difficult. DOLIUM uses next generation business modeling intelligence to tame the chaos, document your business to safeguard intellectual property (IP) and enhance enterprise effectiveness and deliver superior outcomes.

Organisations powered by DOLIUM optimise their management processes, reduce costs, increase productivity and enhance customer satisfaction to gain a competitive advantage. DOLIUM connects and secures critical data points and assets to drive efficiency, especially in a world of constant change.

DOLIUM is every employee’s super coach when it comes to performing tasks and everyday critical functions. Empower your employees to be fully autonomous in the pursuit of business operational excellence.

For executives, DOLIUM functions as an invisible hand, providing transparency to decisions and insights into the impacts of market or regulatory changes when necessary.

electronic Quality
Management System

DOLIUM helps to manage and optimise management processes within your organisation. It provides a centralised but accessible platform for managing activities, documents, processes, and data with the aim of ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards, as well as improving operational efficiency and product quality.

As an eQMS, DOLIUM helps you to establish and maintain effective management practices, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and drive continuous improvement in outcome quality and customer satisfaction.

Business Continuity

DOLIUM helps to identify manage potential threats to operations to ensure the continued delivery of services or outcomes in the event of disruptive incidents.

These incidents can range from natural disasters and technological failures to staff churn and human-made crises such as cyberattacks or pandemics.

How DOLIUM Supports Complex and Multi-Functional Organisational Outcomes

DOLIUM leads the shift towards a business-first IT strategy, realigning technology services to directly support business objectives, ensuring technology enables rather than hinders strategic goals.

DOLIUM acts as a field guide, directing all operational activities back to the foundational objectives that drive long-term success and sustainability. This centralisation ensures that every initiative, whether it's related to risk management, cost reduction, or efficiency enhancement, is purposefully directed towards reinforcing the organisation's specific strategic priorities, not driven by individual or technological capability.

DOLIUM is user friendly to populate with content and use so that all staff are able to develop, use and manage the Integrated Business Support System reducing the organisational reliance upon buiness and IT consultants.

DOLIUM significantly reduces costs associated with resource planning, staff turnover, recruitment, and onboarding by maintaining a centralised repository of organisational knowledge.

By facilitating the digitisation of business processes and enabling the effective integration of AI and RPA technologies, DOLIUM also drives substantial efficiency gains. Streamlined workflows, automated processes, and improved data accuracy contribute to enhanced operational efficiency. Organisations benefit from faster decision-making, reduced manual intervention, and optimised resource allocation, leading to improved productivity and performance across the board.

DOLIUM guides staff to build an Integrated Business Support System consisting of functions and supporting activities that must be aligned with the Mission, Outcomes and Objectives of the organisation.

DOLIUM excels in capturing and codifying the unique operational processes that constitute an organisation's competitive advantages. By transforming these processes into documented, actionable standards, DOLIUM ensures that the essence of what gives an organisation its market edge is preserved, understood, and implementable across the board.

This codification not only secures intellectual capital but also facilitates its consistent application, enhancing the organisation's competitive position and strategic agility in the marketplace.

DOLIUM provides the resources required, guides staff on the authorised way of performing a task, manages risk at source and is a data control mechanism.

DOLIUM responds to IT dominance with a 'business-first' design philosophy

DOLIUM was designed by Australian Defence Force trained Industrial Engineers who understand complexity

DOLIUM is innovative, novel and contributes to Australian sovereign capability

Talk to us about how DOLIUM changes confusing complexity into confident clarity.

An Integrated Business Support System is designed to streamline and optimise the core processes within an organisation.


Talk to us about your organisation and how DOLIUM can turn confused
complexity into confident clarity.

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